DE-BLOAT Your Life To Free Your Soul
This is MADE FOR YOU, if you are an over-doer and recovering people-pleaser who feels BLOATED
- body, mind, and spirit -
I help you DROP all of your "overing" and create a life of
peaceful simplicity, spacious presence, and joyful living.
The world has changed in many ways. Yet people-pleasers and "over-ers" are still stuck in a similar busy, stressful state. This causes the nervous system to be continually over-stimulated and overwhelmed - bloating the body, mind, and spirit.
What would your life be like if you could DROP that BLOATED way of LIVING and
ease into simply being - present, light, and peaceful?
I suffered from physical and mental bloating for many years and I'm so grateful I've LET THAT GO. I've moved into a new way of being that allows me spaciousness, clarity, deeper self and spiritual connection, and flowing freedom.
Now I get to be your guide in this beautiful and powerful transformation!
I felt at ease right away and I noticed a shift in myself, both emotionally and physically. I felt lighter and more optimistic and I highly recommend Alison! Her wisdom, calmness, and healing energy are nothing that I've experienced before and I feel tremendously grateful."
- Laura T, Lawyer & Social Justice Advocate
This Ground-Breaking Program is FOR You If:
Anxiety has become your normal daily state, and you can barely remember when it was like to not be anxiety-ridden
There is never enough time and you feel you are constantly battling with the clock and your schedule
Your body is bloated and it feels awful to live in your skin and look in the mirror
You are ALWAYS busy with something and can never relax
You often feel overwhelmed
You have a never-ending to-do list
You sacrifice yourself to make sure others are happy
You don't get enough rest and are constantly drained and exhausted
If you are really honest with yourself, you don't even know how to relax
It pains you seeing and hearing that others live without anxiety
You check all your options because you are never quite sure what is right for you
You are a researcher!
You spend endless hours on tasks others do quickly and regret the way you spend your time
You never truly sit in silence and enjoy it
You are always striving for balance, but never actually feel balanced
Program Details
Enjoying Space
and Silence
Phase 1: Present Awareness
Address areas of physical, mental, energetic, and spiritual bloating
Embrace stillness and silence
Reconnecting to inner joy
Health Cleanse
Mind Detox
Relationship Assessment
Spiritual Simplicity
Letting The
Old Fall Away
Phase 2: Surrender & Clearing
Clear subconscious blocks that keep us attached to our old ways of living
Continue addressing physical, mental, and energetic symptoms
Parts Work
Authentic Relating
Trance Work
Breath Work
Full Lifestyle
Phase 3: Integration
Step fully into your vision
Embody your new essence in your daily life
Embrace relationships, work, responsibilities, and self-care in a radically new way
Sound Trance Journeying
Self-love practice
Program Begins Early 2022
Weekly meetings will be on Wednesday evening.
This will be a small group, maxed at 8 participants so that you all receive personalized attention and encouraging deeper vulnerability and connection.
Have you been interested in joining a group program, but feel like you will get lost in a sea of over-posting? Do you want to be in a like-minded community, but don't want to compete for attention in programs that have larger numbers and Facebook groups are hundreds or even thousands of people?
The reason we say yes to groups versus one-on-one work is so we receive the benefit of being in community. This means that the group participants get to know each other deeply, share experience, support each other, and this is only truly possible in smaller numbers.
In smaller groups you get individual attention, which means always being seen and heard. This can feel scary at first, but in fact is what is needed for healing and transformation as well as what your soul subconsciously craves.
After a careful vetting process, I'll make sure that everyone in the group is a cohesive and synergistic blend that allows for the best flow and experience for all.
Curious if this program is a perfect fit for you?
TESTIMONIAL - "I met Alison at my lowest and I was amazed to feel instant transformation on the goals we had set together to accomplish. I can compare it to 4 years of therapy that she was able heal in 90 minutes! I can't wait to see her over and over again!."
- Arielle A, Public Relations

Package 1:
~ Weekly 60 minute sessions via Zoom on Wednesday evenings
~ Free Your Soul sessions include teachings, meditation, energy clearing, and discussion.
~ Practices with be given to explore concepts and reinforce healing during the week - all SIMPLE and easy aligned with our DE-Bloating theme
~ Access to private WhatsApp or Facebook Group
~ Email consults as requested
All this for only $397
or $1095 if 3 months paid in full
Package 2:
~ Weekly 60 minute sessions via Zoom on Wednesday evenings
~ Free Your Soul sessions include teachings, meditation, energy clearing, and discussion.
~ Practices with be given to explore concepts and reinforce healing during the week - all SIMPLE and easy aligned with our DE-Bloating theme
~ Access to private WhatsApp or Facebook Group
~ Email consults as requested
~ PLUS two 90 minute one-on-one healing sessions with me per month to get to the root of your unique patterning and clear out this programming baggage to move forward with lightness, ease, and vibrancy
($500 value for only an additional $375)
All this for only $770
or $2195 if 3 months paid in full
As we move towards the shortest days of the year,
will you be BOLD enough to give yourself the gift of
slowing down,
letting go of the swirling chaos in your life,
and prioritize your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being
like you never have before?